Enjoy the fact sheets on Fruiting, Edible & Tropical Plants. So much information, and enjoyment from 'growing your own'.
If you came for the Bonsai, I hope you enjoy my passion as much as I do. Wish I had the full collection I started back in 1987.
The Aquaponics hobby was borne by accident, I broke our 10m x 5m pool 2 days before Xmas (yup, wifey was not happy).
From that my hobbiest tendencies took over and aquaponics and trout, barramundi and perch were all on the plate soon enough. Enjoy the videos.
In my previous life I maintained and landscaped for many of Perth's rich and famous people's gardens. Most of the properties had either ocean or river views.
I figured whatever happened in the world, they were in a financial position to be affected last, meaning I would also be affected last
Enjoy the gardens as much as they and I did.