We finally have some water (a bit) in the pool to pond conversion.The solid wall is in, so is the sump tank and access pit. We’ve given the pond wall a coating with the pond sealer too.
We still have about 10 m3 of sand to come in with the help of the Bob Cat (thank God) and a bit of work to go but it’s really taking shape now.
If it doesn’t have water in it – is it still a pond?
Don’t think so.
When I was a young lad – and being the pedantic ‘so and so’ that I still am – I got fed up with “grown ups” answering my demands of “I want to go fishing…” or “I want to play football..” with the one word answer “Well?” that I started to get my own back by answering back “What’s the use of a ‘well’ without water?”
I was doing just find and driving them crazy – and then one day I said it to my Dad – “What’s the use of a ‘well’ without water?” to which he replied “We can throw silly buggers like you in to it!”
That put an end to that one.
Don’t know why I brought that up!
You’re starting to scare me now John
Technically you are correct… however…